Thursday, June 7, 2012


This is VERY important to me! I believe so much in honesty it's ridiculous. And there are times that it's been SO hard to be honest and I had repercussions because of it, but I was satisfied in the end that I was truthful.

Have I always been honest tho.. Not a Chance! When I was growing up .. I mean all teenagers lie. Well, for the most part they'll have a couple lies in there ya know. When I was growing up it was weird. When I told the truth I was being told I was lying and usually got slapped. When I lied, it was believed to be truth. So, I adapted.. easily for that matter. I really didn't lie to my friends, just my mother. Everyone else for the most part was okay telling them the truth. Now lie did slip thru .. it was just for the most part I was okay with being honest with them.

Honestly really didn't really get to me up until my first boyfriend cheated on me. We broke up and whatever moved on with our ways. Which was fine. Then when my oldest sons dad cheated on me after years of being together, after giving up all that I had to to raise our child. Allowing him to live with me and to have him be with some other bitch who knew he was with me and had a child. That hit hard. Really hard! But I left him as well. He tried to get back with me, but there was no chance in the world I was going to attempt it again.

Then came my husband. I sat down with in right away and said if there is just One thing I ask of you is just please be honest .. just that's all. I know to some it seems like A LOT. To me it was just if you actually do care about me then you will give me this one wish I ask of. Unfortunately I couldn't get that. And for some reason this time I stayed. Not sure why. Still not sure. I love my husband but I can't stand the lies. I don't get why you can't be honest with someone. Specially someone you say you love.

I know they say 'Honesty is the best policy'. That kind of sounds stupid to me. I feel that honesty is being respectful, kind, and a true person. You are honest because even though you might not be this perfect person that people try to be seen as. Instead you are showing your depth, right or wrong. And your just showing who you truly are. To me that's what is needed.

I Love Honesty. It's one of the best qualities a person could ever have.

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